Monday, September 17, 2007

Thing 4

23 Things


My goal is to learn all that I can, to enjoy learning and to complete the 23 Things by December 2007.

I do enjoy learning new technology and using it. My kids who are computer literate constantly encourage me to try and keep up with them.

Obstacles & strategies to overcome them

Lack of time - organise time / tasks more efficiently
- allocate a time / place
Lack of knowledge - assistance from Gavin or IT
- phone a friend
- email / Skype daughter
I am fairly certain there are more obstacles ahead, but I can't think of any at the moment. They will rear their ugly heads sooner or later. When they do I will be certain to post them and ways to overcome them (bear traps; pit with sharpened stakes; invisibility cloak; sword & shield...)
Access to internet - there are lots of excellent sites, many with tutorials
Online tools
Daughter in Canada - my technology guru
Palm PDA - my 'other' brain that runs on batteries, and is more reliable!
Experiences so far...
I have not found any problems signing up for Gmail or for this blog.
What I do find intimidating is putting up pieces of myself onto the web for others to see. I have a Live Journal that I rarely write to - not enough time is the main problem. I also have difficulty putting information on the web for others to read. Partly because I don't think I have anything of interest worth putting up, and also it engenders in me a feeling of vunerability. Words are very powerful, especially when they are strung together into a sentence, and spelt correctly!
I find it very scary!!
I am having fun

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